Quality control

We always perform strict quality checks and provide better services and products with your needs in mind for the KSI products we deliver to you.

Introduction of quality management system

With the standardized work process and strict quality checks during and after the processes, the stable quality of products can be realized. To maintain the quality level that our customers demand, we utilize the following KSI quality management system.

Quality policy

We value our customers' wishes. We serve our customers' business. We consider the benefits for our customers' customers.

With these three mottoes and always putting the customer first, we push forward our manufacturing services that meet customer demands and that can be trusted by customers, through printing and printing-related business.
To provide manufacturing services that customers can use without anxiety, the following quality assurance activities are in place.

1.Customer's trust and satisfaction
The goal of quality in all KSI products is our customer's trust and satisfaction.
Trust and satisfaction mean continuous improvement and development of the following four elements:
Q (Quality): Products that satisfy customers
C (Cost): Cost that satisfies customers
D (Delivery time): Time of delivery that satisfies customers
T (Technology): Technology that realizes customer demands and wishes
2. Objective
To achieve this policy, we set quality goals on both a department-basis and a company-wide basis.
3. Continuous improvement
To provide products that meet and satisfy customer demand, we regularly conduct an internal audit and perform continuous improvement for the quality policy and quality management system.
4. Observance of laws and regulations and social need
We comply with laws, regulations and social needs applicable to the products we provide, so that customers can use KSI products without apprehension.
5. Education and training
To promote the quality management system, we provide education and training to all employees so they acquire expertise and improve their skills.
6. Consolidation of infrastructures
We provide the infrastructure including venues and equipment, work environment and personnel required to execute this policy.
7. Establishment, execution and maintenance of the quality management system
To make this policy conform to our business objective, we establish, execute and maintain an effective quality management system.
8. Understanding changing customer needs and suggestions
We do our utmost to satisfy customer expectations through understanding customer needs and fulfilling customer demands.
9. Distribution of the quality policy
We post this quality policy on the company premises to make the policy known to all employees and to be properly implemented.
10. Revision of the policy
This policy will be revised once changes in the environment and/or changes in customer demand occur.

January 5, 2012
KSI Inc.
President, Takayuki Minami